日本メノナイトブレザレン教団 海外宣教委員会

Japan Mennonite Brethren Overseas Mission Committee


<海外宣教委員会 活動理念>





1.     はじめに(経緯)



2.     世界宣教の啓蒙

A)   世界宣教に関する情報の提供

B)    宣教師候補者の発掘

C)   宣教地訪問などの企画・宣伝

D)   MB教団出身の宣教師情報の提供と祈りのサポート(例:プレーヤーカレンダー)


3.     宣教師・支援会のサポート

A)   宣教師候補者への支援


B)    支援会サポート


C)   宣教師ケア


D)   宣教師、支援会、派遣団体との調整役

E)    宣教師の身分保証や推薦





4.     宣教の範囲について

A)   地域:アジア限定を解除し、全世界に広げる。

B)    内容:教会形成の働きに限定しない。

C)   派遣団体(Agent):MB Missionだけでなく、他の団体との協力もしていく。(FHI、アンテオケ宣教会、ウィクリフ、MCCOMなど)

D)   期間:長期型だけではなく、短期型も認めていく。


[The context of the movement of the committee from 1970's  to 1990's]

Japan Mennonite Brethren (MB) which was founded by missionaries from North America after World war
Ⅱ has been growing in Japan and began to have a burden for overseas mission. In this context, the MB Overseas Mission Committee was started in 1976. The immediate result of the forming of the committee was that Rev. Takashi Manabe (The senior pastor of MB Ishibashi church now), became a missionary to Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Translators. The committee supported his mission work fully in Papua New Guinea spiritually and financially. Even after his return to Japan, the committee has been supporting some other ministries, such as Ms. Keiko Hamano (Now, Mrs. Keiko Wyatt), who is involved in the ministry in Pakistan. The strategy of the committee is missions for Asia, especially Thailand. The mission office in North America has been cooperating with this work. The work in Thailand is mainly evangelizing the Kmu tribe. It is said that 20,000 Kmu people are living in Thailand and other 500,000 people are in Laos. The committee has a plan to extend the mission work to the Kmu people living in Laos, which is a Communist country, by evangelizing the Kmu people in Thailand and discipling them.


[The address of the committee office]


Japan Mennonite Brethren Office Overseas Mission Committee2-1-12 Shoen Ikeda-shi, Osaka, 563-0038 Japan


[Tel/Fax] +81-727-62-5731


Committee Members
Committee Members
Rev. Manabe and his family
Rev. Manabe and his family
Ms. Takeda in Thailand
Ms. Takeda in Thailand